Sunday, May 15, 2011

Algernon Cadwallader - Fun

This band is playing Arizona on May 29th (Tempe), and 30th (Tucson), and in anticipation of seeing them, I'll be posting their Fun 7" also known as the Hot Green EP. Everyone makes the comparison to Cap'n Jazz and says it's exactly like it, and though I definitely think they have a sound very similar to them, and share a lot of the same characteristics as them, I'd hardly say they sound exactly like Cap'n Jazz. They've still got some of their own stuff going on. They're kind of like a contemporary version of Cap'n Jazz. They're really fun, but kind of in a different kind of goofy way than their predating counterparts were. The vocals are sort of similar, but whereas Kinsella's vocals were a lot more moany singy wailing, the vocals in Algernon Cadwallader are more straight fun and singy. The music in Cap'n Jazz was really chaotic, but still grooving, and this sounds a bit more clean cut and rhythmic, but super entertaining. If you like energetic Midwest indie-emo or anything along those lines, give this a try, and try to listen to it thinking of how it differs from Cap'n Jazz, rather than how it's similar, so then you don't end up just writing it off as a rip-off or something. This EP is a really good sample of what they're like, and if you're into it, I definitely recommend their full-length "Some Kind Of Cadwallader." I actually prefer it, but thought an EP would be a better way for others to access this.

"Let me tell you what I think about frog spit. I'm for it."

1. Spit Fountain
2. Fun
3. Foggy Mountain