Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Piebald - If It Weren't For Venetian Blinds, It'd Be Curtains For Us All

This is one of those bands whose name I had heard from a friend once, and that was it. It was definitely recommended to me, but I was never told what kind of music it was, and had no idea what to expect. I found this album at a book exchange for $2.00 so I said, "Why not?" and bought it, only to find out that it'd become one of my favorite albums. This band is just fun, and I love that about them. The first thing you hear is "Grace Kelly With Wings" and it's absolutely amazing. Caught me off guard and couldn't stop listening to it until I sort of overplayed it. Then I went ahead and gave the rest of the album a closer listen and found out that the rest is great, too! Hopefully you'll listen to it too, and like it, after this equally-to-mine vague recommendation.

"That's more than a dress. It's a Grace Kelly movie."

I actually watched every movie Grace Kelly starred in because of that song, to find out what a Grace Kelly movie is, and I still don't really know, haha. Those movies are good, by the way.

1. Grace Kelly With Wings
2. We Believe In Karma
3. Mess With The Bulls
4. Dirty Harry And The Thunderbolts
5. You Won't Be Seeing Me Again
6. Rules For Mules
7. Giddy Like A Schoolgirl
8. All You Need Is Drums To Start A Dance Party
9. If Marcus Garvey Dies, Then Marcus Garvey Lives
10. Still We Let It Choke Us
11. Mount Pleasant
12. Location Is Everything
13. Fat And Skinny Asses

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Andrew Jackson Jihad / Partners In 818

I'm gonna start trying to be a bit more brief with my posts, because no one wants to or will read that shit. This is Andrew Jackson Jihad's sort of side project under the same name, aka The Electric Jihad (I think, haha) and it's soooo good. Every time I listen to this record it makes me want to see them play an electric set, though it's sort of a rare occasion. Partners In 818 are one of those bands that just thoroughly impressed me from the first time I saw them, and I actually ended up getting this record the first time I saw them, because I wanted something of their's and this is all they had, which is fine because I love it, and you will too.

"I hated everybody around me. I even hated myself, which I still do on my bad days."

Andrew Jackson Jihad:
1. Deep Dark Basement
2. Hate & Kill
3. S.O.S.* (Off With Their Heads)**
Parnters In 818:
4. Dogless, Not Topless
5. Roop + Charlie
6. Red Shark V.S. Levinia

*Song recorded without permission from Off With Their Heads.
**Fuck those guys.